Beaches > Las Grutas

Whales also choose Las Grutas See map

Since a couple of years this resort of Río Negro in Patagonia is receiving on its shores to the giants of the sea, the southern right whales, who seek these waters for their breeding cycle and then they return their journey to south. You can also see sea lions and dolphins.

The main tourist destination for whale watching remains Puerto Madryn/Puerto Pirámides, but in recent times, Las Grutas has begun to position itself as an option for this activity. 

ballenas las grutasA few yards offshore whales can be spotted in Las Grutas. Photo courtesy of the Press Department of San Antonio Oeste.

Numerous examples of Southern Right Whale choose the San Matías Gulf as a breeding place on a smaller scale in relation to Puerto Madryn. However, every year the number increases and they can be spotted by the Coastal Road that passes through Las Conchillas beach in Bahia Creek, Port Nuevo, Las Grutas, Sierra Grande and Port Lobos.

Both visitors and residents of the region can enjoy this gift of nature from the beaches of the town. The natural dance of these amazing animals doing their tricks in the water makes the resort in a unique observation place in Río Negro.

With binoculars from the beaches or embarking on a tour, you can experience a real close live show about the diversity of marine life, which is always cause for surprise in the area. This is because there is the possibility to observe sea lions of a hair and two hairs and dolphins, which delight us with some jump.

Another place to observe these marine mammals is the observatory Vuelo Latitud 40, which has the necessary equipment to see whales, dolphins and sea lions.

Alojamiento en Las Grutas

FotoHostel Ruca Kiñe Hostel Ofrece la flexibilidad que necesitan los viajeros.  Se encuentra a 150 metros del mar entre la bajada 6taver másTel: +54 9 2934 520594Las Grutas

Viajes por la Patagonia


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