Beaches > Las Grutas

Fishing in the San Antonio Oeste - Las Grutas area See map

The Atlantic coast of Río Negro in Patagonia along its 400 km long coastline offers a range of beaches alternating low and dune areas with ravines sectors that are sometimes high cliffs interrupted by the mouths of rivers and streams. 

pesca las grutasFishing from shore in the Las Grutas.

From the alternatives offered by the coast for the amateur, the exercise of fishing from beach enjoys greater popularity than the one practiced from natural elevations, piers or jetties. Not surprisingly in summer season is remarkable the fan's concentration waiting to watch the shaft.

In any season fishing in the area of ​​Las Grutas-San Antonio is a great recreational option. Not only you can obtain a variety of fish, but also you have here the incentive to harvest mussels, octopus and other seafood.

There are countless coastal fishing throughout the Gulf area, therefore, for a better interpretation here are outlined two areas:

Fisheries located south of San Antonio Oeste

La Mar Grande: located off San Antonio Oeste, is a shallow beach resort where you can fish with high tide and in all months of the year. The silverside is the most productive in the months October, November, December and in January docks sole, dog and bay.

La Rinconada: perhaps the most traditional fishing by the proximity to the resort of Las Grutas in Patagonia, only 1500 meters. With its many downs is conducive for fishing mackerel throughout the year and one of the best places to catch bass in July and August. Its slippery pebble beach with low water level makes it an appropriate place for the unfolding of many species. There are captured here besides mackerel and sea bass, bream, rays, sting rays, bat fish and sole according to the month in which fishing is practiced.

Resort Las Grutas: in various sectors of the resort, a variety of fishing is practiced according to the tides. Between 3 and 6 drops in the months of summer, it is performed the most important contest of the place with night-catch rooster fish, dog, skate, dogfish, flounder and fish stick.

South Sea: we found in Las Coloradas, El Buque, El Tanque and El Sótano sites of outstanding beauty and variety of species mentioned above. It is advisable to go fishing in the hours before and after the high tide, and given its geography it does not cause inconvenience to the fishermen for its rocky bottom.

Fisheries located north of San Antonio Oeste

The area is rich in regard to the practice of fishing for silversidel, having its most important fishery on the coast north of the town, the area belonging to the Port of San Antonio Este. Among the most outstanding fishing is Pta. Partridge, El Mirador, the shell, El Molino, La Bomba, The Beacon, The Trout, The Three Mills and Sewer (the latter three on the coast road).

Throughout the year you can catch the mackerel; in the months of October, November and December the bream and in the months of June and July the bass, and other species.

In the months of November, December, January and February in evening practices you can capture the dog, skate, dogfish and rooster fish, all pieces very prized by fishermen. But the silverside is undoubtedly the most abundant specie throughout the year, of which you can get multiple varieties like white manila, Matunga, yellow tail, at low tide or high according to the moon and the existing wind. Thanks to the abundance and importance of sport fishing for this specie, currently it is develop the Fishing Contest "The 6 hours Silverside" in La Conchilla, a fishery of many kilometers long and one of the most productive.

Meats used in San Matías Gulf

Anchovy - Shrimp - Shrimp - Clams - Sea Worm - Silverside steak
From coast
Sea worm - Octopus - Clams - Squid - Shrimp - Shrimp - Anchovy
From coast and on board
Lisa Magru
From coast and on board
Anchovy - Squid - Silverside
From coast
Bat Fish
Anchovy - Silverside
From coast and on board
Sea Bream
Shrimp - anchovies - Pulpo - Saborín - Squid
On board
Anchovy - Squid - Silverside
From caost

Alojamiento en Las Grutas

Viajes por la Patagonia


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