More and more people choose to camp to enjoy a few days to repair the heart of the mysterious nature.
At other times, the tent and backpack were reserved to those who gathered more than a few dollars to pay for the return passage.
But today the form of bearing the accommodation has been extended and it has almost become fashionable. The pleasure it is to be master of time and space, sleeping on rough ground contact (and some vermin, why not?), and to shed the conventional routine of a house, tempts young lean pockets, families with an adventurous spirit and all social classes equally.
Set up the tent and deploy a battery of folding useful utensils ceased to be a symbol of austerity to become a synonymous with freedom and delight.
The vast extension of Patagonia holds wonderful places to camp and tone the psyche to endure the "reality" daily. San Martín de Los Andes, Bariloche, Villa La Angostura, Junín de los Andes, Villa Pehuenia, El Bolsón, each city with its charms.
The campers, look beyond the rough ground, rely heavily on the sites arranged for this purpose, where the camping has restrooms, procurement facilities, public telephones, health center and spaces for sport and recreation.