Perito Moreno > things to do

Things to do in Perito Moreno

En Perito Moreno se pueden visitar distintos puntos panorámicos que permiten observar todos los ríos que la rodean y otros atractivos de la zona, como por ejemplo la plaza San Martín y el río Fenix.

Además desde la localidad se pueden visitar distintos puntos de interés en la provincia de Santa Cruz, como son Los Antiguos, el lago Buenos Aires, la cueva de los cóndores y la cueva de las manos, entre otros.


Perito Moreno Perito Moreno is presented as a typical Patagonian town located 56 km from Los Antiguos, surrounded by rivers and natural beauties.
Places to visit in Perito Moreno There are several points of interest presented by Perito Moreno in the northwest of the province of Santa Cruz. Get to know them and enjoy the scenery.
Around Perito Moreno From Perito Moreno, you can visit various attractions in the province of Santa Cruz, such as Los Antiguos, the lake Buenos Aires, the cave of the condors and the Cave of the Hands, among others.
Cave of the Hands Festival Every year the Cave of the Hands Festival is celebrated in Perito Moreno. This is an event to honor the main attraction available on the town in which local and national artists meet.

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