Andes > Villa La Angostura

Villa la Angostura: peace, ecology and exclusivity See map

The city of Villa La Angostura is characterized for being:

  • small, just a few blocks up the perimeter,
  • peaceful, almost no recorded criminal acts,
  • typical mountain architecture, wooden huts and stores,
  • and stuck between dreamy landscapes, towering mountains, impenetrable forests and lakes in a mixture that once eclipsed Walt Disney.

This is Villa La Angostura, a resort in the province of Neuquén, a few kilometers from Bariloche and San Martin de los Andes that by the characteristics, has become in recent years in the destiny for more people.

muelleDreamy landscapes in Villa la Angostura.Foto gentileza de felixion.

The town was founded on May 15, 1932 and is named for being located in the thinnest part of the peninsula Quetrihué in the heart of the Nahuel Huapi National Park. Disney visited the area for decades and say he was inspired by the Myrtle Forest (located a few kilometers from town) and its surroundings to create and film the movie "Bambi".

Beyond that, the truth is that until a few years ago the town was only a stopover in the way to Chile or the Lagos Corridor. However, over time, particularly landscape and nature here almost intact as millions of years caught the tourists who opt to choose the city as their destination.

Today its population is around 10,000 inhabitants, of whom, according to county reports, 90 percent of them has any work related to tourism. Also increased significantly the number of beds, with more than 2,000 beds actually.

Reasons for tourism boom

The arrival of the rich and famous ,Argentines and foreign businessmen, actors and even some representatives of European royalty, began to circulate over the name of Villa La Angostura in the media, and thus helped to grow tourism in the same .

But beyond that, there is something that distinguishes it from other locations in the mountain range. La Angostura lavishes a rigid respect for nature, convinced that its almost untouched nature has led her to have such a distinguished tourism portfolio, so it is ready to keep it against all odds.

Video courtesy of Turismo Neuquén

There are several times that the residents, professionals and businessmen complained and managed to close the construction of different facilities because they were damaging nature through deforestation. So also were the same neighbors in the village that prevented authorizing the practice of jet skis and water skiing on Lake Correntoso.

In addition, La Angostura has ordinances intended to keep the planning at random. Can only be built with stone and wood, and the division of the lot is under control of the municipality. Interestingly, is this characteristic which attracts capital.

What to do

Besides touring the streets of this quiet and beautiful town of Neuquén, you can make a bike ride, hike or horseback to the Quetrihue peninsula, where is the Myrtle Forest.

In winter you can ski and do other winter sports in the Cerro Bayo, although summer is a good choice to visit.

In hot weather, the Lake Nahuel Huapi invited to lie on its banks to sunbathe or do water sports.

It's also good to consider traveling by car or bike along Route Siete Lagos, where you can camp, visit Bariloche, or cross into Chile by the borderline Cardenal Samore.

Waterfalls Santa Dora and Ana are interesting to visit, as well as the coihue El Abuelo.

Fishermen will find a good place on the lake and river Correntoso.

Useful Addresses

Dirección Municipal de Turismo. Av. 7 lagos 93, telephone (02944) 494124, e-mail:

Alojamiento en Villa La Angostura

FotoHostería Hostería Verde Morada Situada en la zona mejor valorada de Villa la Angostura. Ofrece alojamiento con piscina exterior, aparcamientover másTel: Villa La Angostura

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