Andes > Villa La Angostura

K 42 mountain marathon in Villa La Angostura See map

Villa la Angostura is home to one of the largest gathering of sports activities in the country, which has been underway since 2003. Is the mountain marathon called K42.

k42Sergio Sandoval one of the competidors in 2088 edition. Photo courtesy of Claudio Miño

The K42 is a marathon which comprises 42 kilometers of trails and paths traveled by mountain ranging from Lake Espejo to the center of Villa La Angostura.

The route has 3,100 meters of accumulated altitude, with a minimum height of 700 meters above sea level and a maximum of 1,230 meters, crossing places of incomparable beauty. It has two steep slopes: the first at 13 km reaching 1035 meters above sea level and the second between km no. 22 and 27.5 with a slope of the 880 meters to get to 1,230 meters above sea level.

This event allowed to participate, as well as those who want to make the competition, all those who dare not challenge the 42 km. There is an additional 15-km race that takes place in parallel so-called "family trekking". It is composed of friends and relatives of riders who are entered in it to share the experience.

You pass through Cerro Bayo in the way. The views are amazing landscapes, lakes and mountains. Many competitors are entered in this type of competition by the mere participation of an all-sports experience and contact with nature. Some of them take the opportunity to enjoy the scenery prolonging the race until after 9 hours of the start, as the race has no time limit.

largadaAfter the start in Lake Espejo uphill journey beggins. Photo courtesy of Claudio Miño


From 2010 edition the marathon became part of K42 Series International Circuit which also runs in the Canary Islands, Bombinhas, Sahara, Spain and Chile, being Argentina the final stage.

A new edition of K42 will be run at Villa La Angostura on November 12, 2011 in its three ways: 42 km, 15 km and Kids.

In 2010 the winners of the five stages were competing for a prize of $ 1500 dollars, while the amateur riders sought the achievement of reaching the goal. More than 2000 runners gathered for the main event of 42 kilometers.

For more information and registration see the official website of the competition:

Alojamiento en Villa La Angostura

FotoDepartamento Los Amancays 2 Los Amancays 2 se encuentra a 23 km de la Isla Victoria y ofrece alojamiento con wi fi gratuita y aparcamiento privado gratuito. ver másTel: Villa La Angostura

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