Andes > Villa La Angostura

Hunting season in Nahuel Huapi National Park See map

Hunting season is held in Villa la Angostura from November to March and April. Is considered "a natural resource that aligns the interests of conservation and productivity".

ciervo-coloradoCiervo Colorado. Foto gentileza

The municipality of Villa la Angostura in conjunction with the National Parks Administration are responsible for regulating hunting, considering "the conservation of native species and preserving natural environment as fundamental pillars" of this activity.

Sport hunting is presented as an "alternative to maintain the natural balance" within the National Parks. "It's important to understand that this activity focuses on the potential opportunity to balance the environmental with the sport." Only in this way can we conceive hunting as a tourism product.

The closing of the hunting areas in the Nahuel Huapi National Park is in 11 areas adjacent to La Angostura and Villa Traful.

The muse of the hunters is the Red Deer. It has the characteristic of being very perceptive, has very acute hearing and smell, so hunting it is difficult. "It is an exotic species of European origin. Preferably inhabits forested areas of high mountains. Its coat is reddish, with a highly branched antlers, which lost every year and grow back. During the mating season the neck more hairy and swollen in males that are available to mate more than one female".

ciervosLa caza del ciervo colorado resulta ser todo un trofeo por lo difícil de atrapar.

This sport has a special mystique and requires knowledge regarding the behavior of Red Deer. His followers are very demanding with requests for the services that support the activity.

This practice is taken into account as another proposal for tourism. The organization of the Parks presented it as a challenge in which must be taken into account the protection of the park. "Villa La Angostura discovers in sport hunting one more reason to articulate the Nahuel Huapi National Park environmental health of its territory."

Source: tourism and marketing of the City Villa la Angostura

Alojamiento en Villa La Angostura

FotoHostería Hostería Verde Morada Situada en la zona mejor valorada de Villa la Angostura. Ofrece alojamiento con piscina exterior, aparcamientover másTel: Villa La Angostura

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