Andes > Caviahue

Loom Festival in Cajón Chico See map

Just 10 km from the town of Caviahue it is Cajón Chico, where each year in March it is held the Loom Festival, one of the activities of the indigenous peoples of Patagonia. 

Fiesta Telar, Cajón ChicoMapuche Loom over. Photo courtesy of the Undersecretary of Tourism of Neuquén.

The fourth edition of the event was held on March 5 and 6, 2011 with an extensive program of activities. There were art shows, dance camper, stands of typical foods and crafts and activities it could not miss the rodeo skills.

The festival is organized by a committee in charge of Juan Millaín, a member of the Mapuche community Millaín-Currical, and it is done on the campus of the Traditionalist and Sports Center "Carlos Millaín". 

Starting on Saturday at 10 am, the visitors enjoyed a gaucho parade with the participation of invited groups, artisans on horses and carrozasque that exhibit the handicrafts made in the region. Top mounted received a cash prize.

Activities continued with sheep riding for the kids and the race of the ring, around the stick and the roll of lead in adults, among other activities. In the afternoon it was made the Challenge on gurupa surera category that distributed $ 2,000 for first place and $ 1,000 for second.

On Saturday night, the participants of the festival and visitors were received with musical shows by the hand of Nortpatagonia, Ricardo Pino and Marcelo Cip for then lead to the camper dance by groups Nehuenche, Nortpatagonia, Los Troperitos and Los Chamas de Crystal.

On the second day of the festival was the competition of rodeo skill "los barateados", then the Career of the Bride and finally the Great Wheel in Bastos and Encimera, for which there were 65 confirmed matings.

The entrance to the property was worth $15 Saturday and $20 Sunday. As for entering the tent of the art shows were $15 and with the admission ticket is drawn a loom-woven poncho.  (argentine currency)

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