Valleys > General Roca

Vuelta de la Manzana Rally See map

Wheels Association of General Roca (AVGR) organizes every year one of the most important automotive events in the country the "Vuelta de la manzana" Rally, which involved about 80 regional and national competitors.

rally, gral rocaCompetitors of all the country come to participate of the "Vuelta de la Manzana" Rally.

"Vuelta de la manzana"  is so named because of the fruit that represents General Roca. The AVGR decided to give this name to represent General Roca and what its doing because this is a traditional tour of major national and international levels.

Since 1963 the Wheels Association of General Roca is working with the firm objective of its founding: to support racing and motorcycling.

"Vuelta de la Manzana" is one of the most significant events nationwide. In addition to the strictly sporting, is important for the call that has national and international sports fans, journalists and general public enjoys seeing this type of events that, we see a show of lights and colors combined with the roar of the engines thar is begin to feel.


The first day has its way from Cervantes to Cañadón Hoffmeyer (12, 60 km). The second from Arenera Puente Cero to Route 6 (16.20 km.) And then from the airport to Puesto Valdemar (12.30 km.). Also operate routes from Cinco Saltos to Lake Pellegrini (14.30 km), then from the Jordan Island to Mastrocola (5.30 km.) Continuing from Fernández Oro to Allen (14.80 km) and a super special in the Speedway of General Roca (2, 90 km).

Alojamiento en General Roca

FotoHotel La Fundacion Emplazado en el complejo de la Ciudad de las Artes de Gral Roca ubicada en el norte de la Patagonia. Contamos con habitacionesver másTel: +54 298 442-9050General Roca

Viajes por la Patagonia


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