Andes > Gobernador Gregores

Lake Strobel from Gobernador Gregores See map

Lake Strobel is located in the center of Santa Cruz province at 115 kilometers from the town of Gobernador Gregores. It has an area of ​​110 square kilometers, it is of volcanic origin and receives the waters from Barrancoso river that born in the west.

This lake is known for the large size of the trouts that can be fished in it, rainbow trouts of 6 kilos on average but that can reach up to 12 kilos. They are also of high quality and abundance.

Its coasts are similar to those of Lake Cardiel, they have no vegetation and are characterized by pebble beaches and rocky highlands. Along its banks there are also remains of petrified forests and in the area Indian paintings can be found which date back 9000 years.

The lake access is difficult, there are only a few traces that reach the inside of the farms surrounding it because the roads were built only to the farms. On the way you cross gaps that in summer are isolated but in winter they meet, in which live rainbow trouts and native and exotic birds as the hooded grebe.

Its name is due to missionary Jesuit Matías Strobel who tried to evangelize the area in the mid-eighteenth century.

You get to Lake Strobel from Gobernador Gregores by National Route 40 and you access northwest on a track that crosses the "Meseta del Viento". 

Alojamiento en Gobernador Gregores

FotoEstancia La Oriental Ubicada en el Parque Nacional Perito Moreno. El acceso al mismo es por la Ruta provincial 37, la misma empalma con Rutaver másTel: +54 11 4152-6901Gobernador Gregores

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