Andes > Junín de los Andes

Condor watching See map

avistaje-de-condorescartel-avistajesPlatform for watching the condors.- Poster with information about the condors.

Arriving in Junin de los Andes along National Route 234 we find a wooden platform with several posters that inform us about the local fauna.

The platform is facing a series of cliffs that seem at first glance like many others that we see along the road.

But reading the text it shows us that we are in a very special place. Before us are the rocks where condors live. Suddenly we feel that there is an opportunity to better appreciate the world around us. It's amazing what a little information can be added to a trip and enjoy the scenery.

The posters also instruct us about the local flora with examples of common fruits. We are told about the habits of condors, where they live, when and how they fly. We are said that these take advantage of updrafts and therefore it is very rare to see them flapping, so they can fly long distances using very little energy.

They are large birds and therefore it is possible to see them even when they do fly at high altitudes. This place offers a unique opportunity to connect with nature, with unknown aspects of the world around us in our Patagonia trip.

And if we have luck and patience it is possible that over our heads let the slow flying giants that dominate the air in search of prey. 

A great opportunity to stop and learn.

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