Beaches > San Antonio Oeste

Port of San Antonio Este See map

The setting of the fruit export

60 kilometers from San Antonio, and located at the northern edge of Punta Villarino in San Matías Gulf, is the Deepwater Port San Antonio Este, the setting of all fruit of Río Negro exports.

It has an intense commercial activity and offers a chance to contemplate the immensity of these cargo ships, looking at the navigation and docking maneuvers. In its surroundingd stretch endless beaches with a singular coast of snails where you can go fishing and explore every corner without running out of surprises.

The Port of San Antonio Este is the routes convegerd knot that allows its linking with key areas of the province and the region. It is connected with:

Also, San Antonio Oeste is linked by Gral. Roca rail to San Carlos de Bariloche and Viedma, and through the airport that allows commercial operation with Buenos Aires and other towns in southern Patagonia.  

In 1977, work began for this international port terminal in Punta Villarino, officially designated the Deepwater Port on February 9, 1983 with the arrival of merchant ship Kandava. It has basic infrastructure and services and it offers fishing from the shore, hiking and walks.

Here is done in October the National "Las 6 Horas del Pejerrey" Festival, which drew thousands of fishing passionates.

In the place is a vast network of services for the tourist to spend a pleasant stay, including a wide array of hotels, campings and restaurants.

Protected Natural Area

Villarino Peninsula is within the Natural Protected Area Bay of San Antonio (Provincial Law 2670), whose main purpose is to protect and conserve environments that depend on the sites for reproductive, rest and food for various birds, both resident and migratory and to provide status to protect all species that rest, feed and breed in the area.

The Hemispheric Network Shorebird Reserve, an U.S. agency that protects critical environments used by the birds recognized this region as International Site, because it was used by at least a quarter of the U.S. population of Red Knots. An estimated total of 100,000 shorebirds of different species use the area.

Alojamiento en San Antonio Oeste

FotoDepartamento Don Elías El establecimiento cuenta con balcón, estacionamiento privado gratuito y Wi Fi. ver másTel: San Antonio Oeste

Viajes por la Patagonia


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