Valcheta > things to do

Things to do in Valcheta


Valcheta: the oasis of the South Line Valcheta City is part of the Río Negro's south line, which is devoted primarily to livestock. Its proximity to the Somuncurá Plateau and the petrified forest make it a privileged tourist destination.
Touring Valcheta Valcheta has many places to visit and learn about the history and culture of the region.
Cultural-Historic circuit in Valcheta The town of Valcheta has designed a circuit in order to identify all existing resources in it, whether natural, cultural, human and infrastructural of a great tourist value.
National Matra and Crafts Festival The town of Valcheta is unique, like the entire department of the same name, for being the area of ​​residence of the artisan weavers of "matras". For that reason and to keep revaluing the ancestral culture it is held every June 19 the Matra and Crafts Festival.

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