Andes > Villa La Angostura

Events in Cerro Bayo See map

The Mountaineer Day Festival and the Chef's in height Meeting are two good reasons to visit Villa La Angostura. These two events take place in Cerro Bayo where you can enjoy the snow and the beautiful tourist town of Villa La Angostura

Chef Meeting

encuentro-chefEncuentro del chef en el Cerro Bayo. Foto gentileza

Patagonia is known for its scenery but also for their meals. Villa La Angostura is chosen to host a festival of flavors, aromas and textures in beautiful landscapes. This is the "Meeting of Chef in height."

It takes place in the middle of winter, when you can enjoy the snow in the Cerro Bayo, with all services and special prices for the Neuquén and Río Negro citizens who come to visit.

In the meeting resident and guest chefs are responsible for creating culinary dishes and mergers that are always accompanied by great wines.

The "6 th Meeting of Chef in Height" (2009), was declared of Tourist Interest by the Ministry of Tourism of the Nation. Resolution No. 469/09.

Mountaineer's Day

Mountaineer's Day is celebrated each August 5 in Villa La Angostura to pay tribute to the pioneers of skiing and mountaineering.

The Mountaineer's Day commemorates August 5 because that day is the day of the Virgen de las Nieves, patron saint of mountaineers. It comes from the dedication of the Basilica Santa Maria Maggiore in Rome, which is the main church of this city and of all Christendom.

cerro-bayoAsí se disfruta del Cerro Bayo en temporada. Foto gentileza

The basilica was rebuilt by Sixtus III (432-440) in the same place (Esquiline Hill, Rome), which according to legend, were covered with snow the night of 5 August a pious wife who wanted to give to Mary and they asked the Virgin what they should do with her property to ensure the best Christian use of their heritage. The Virgin made the miracle of snow in August to tell them where she wanted them to build a chapel, so that shrine became known as Our Lady of the Snows. Until the sixteenth century was an exclusive fest of the basilica and St. Pius V included it in the universal calendar for August 5.

During the celebration you can enjoy the Snow Polo, polo competition in the snow that has the presence of recognized polo players, the parade of horses with different institutions, the fanfare and interpretations of the Band of the RIM 26 of the neighboring city Junin de los Andes, a mountain hot wine tasting a typical drink of the region and there is a contest of woodcutters and a waiters race.

Alojamiento en Villa La Angostura

FotoHostería Hostería Verde Morada Situada en la zona mejor valorada de Villa la Angostura. Ofrece alojamiento con piscina exterior, aparcamientover másTel: Villa La Angostura

Viajes por la Patagonia


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