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Tourism in Tierra del Fuego See map

Tourism in the province is one of the most significant potential. Its natural wealth and its varied geography show it as an archipelago full of beauty that has not been inspiration for writers such as Jules Verne, who have found the charm fueguino a source of inspiration.

Increasingly, south latitude is the Mecca of thousands of visitors from all over the world who travel this geography admiring the charm of its landscapes. In addition, Tierra del Fuego is the necessary reference point in the growing traffic of visitors to Antarctica.

A large influx of tourists from many different parts of the world, primarily European and American, account of the interest in the area at all latitudes.

Sport Fishing

The Grande Island of Tierra del Fuego is probably one of the places on the planet on which more has been written. From the navigators of the sixteenth to chroniclers of the nineteenth century news were brought to Europe about these "latitudes inhabited by prehistoric man". The truth is that its particular geographical location coupled with the magic and mystery endowed by Jules Verne pen for years have had a special charm to all who visit it.

The angler will find different proposals of excellence, motivated by diverse environments and many species of catch.

These are: brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis), rainbow trout (Salmo irideus), landlocked salmon (Salmo salar sebago), brown trout (Salmo fario) the most widespread.

Now, for reasons still unknown, some specimens of brown trout go to sea and only ascend rivers to spawn. This practice gives them marine animal characteristics, so they acquire a silvery color and weights that easily overcome ten kilograms easily.

Such a mutation of the brown trout is known as sea trout, silver trout, or "sea run brown trout" and it is found mainly in Grande river and some of its tributaries. Also in the Irigoyen Mlanguena and Leticia rivers, though -temporarily- to a lesser quantity and quality.

This biological phenomenon has been detected and publicized in the highest circles of sport fishing, mentioned in the chronicles of the most renowned professional fishermen and it is now regarded as a must for those seeking to challenge the superiority in their actions. Therefore, Grande river is today regarded as the best fishery in its type (boasting five of the seven world records approved) and one of the five most prestigious in the world.

Finally, it is worthy to note that the art capturing promoted in Tierra del Fuego is the fly fishing method to return the pieces to their environment (catch and release).

Adventure Tourism

As it is clear from the descriptions and made on the Fuegian environment, it is obvious to clarify that certain corners of geography are excellent locations for the practice of this form of tourism. One of the outstanding proposals may be the trip to Mitre Peninsula, where in several days of bumpy road, on coastal cliffs and impenetrable woods, you may experience a real sense of adventure and make real contact with a past tense, to spot the remains of old brigs or find an archaeological site in perfect condition.

Cultural Tourism

Undoubtedly, one of the key attractions that characterize the Tierra del Fuego is the many opportunities that are presented to the visitor to connect to the story villager.

The cattle ranches of the last century manifest the dominion of the time and power over the economy that was built Tierra del Fuego. Horseback riding and roast lamb complement the rural landscape.

Finally, the Agrotechnic Salesian School, located in the third settlement of the century-old Mission Nuestra Señora de la Candelaria presents a double feature of outstanding features. On the one hand, Monsignor Fagnano Regional Museum, with its buildings declared a National Historic Landmark and archaeological, anthropological and historical heritage treasured for more than one hundred years of pastoral action. And secondly, the technology applied to the different working sections of the Agrotechnic School, which serves a model for the regional production system. In a one day visit you get to know all the areas, enjoy breakfast, lunch and snack based solely on the mission products and ride along the coast to the Cape Domingo, visiting several sites of historical interest.


It is known that, as humanity is seriously affected in its ecological balance as a result of population growth that registers with the consequent attack on biodiversity and the tragic consequences of environmental pollution that all these generate scarce natural systems preserved by the low population impact were subjected to acquire invaluable status. In this case, the "Heart of the Island" project opens its unspoiled nature and not degraded to anyone who dares to visit. There you can walk inside the ancient forests.

Strategic site for the observation of many shorebirds, including sea scholarships (Limosa haemastica) and the red knot (Calidris canutus), which come from the Arctic (where they nest), travel 16,000 km to escape from the boreal winter.

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