Valleys > General Roca

Places to visit in General Roca See map

Plaza and historic column Villegas

Here you can see the first monument of national hero in Argentina's Patagonia: the column in honor of Conrado Villegas, built on the site was founded in 1879, Fuerte General Roca, in the mapuchespot  "Fisque Menuco." There is also a self-guided circuit around the Plaza referring to the main buildings that existed in the late nineteenth century.

This place is located in the neighborhood Stefenelli, a distance of 4 km from the historic downtown. This site was the ancient population settlement of General Roca, founded by the Argentine Army during the "Desert Campaign" in 1879.

Due to an extraordinary flood of Negro River succeeded 20 years after its foundation, weak buildings caved in, leaving only the founding column standing of Colegio San Miguel. Therefore, for fear of further flooding the city moved to its present location. The neighborhood is named for Father Alejandro Stefenelli, which opposes the relocation and stays in place for some years.

San Miguel School

Built in 1899 by the Salesian Alejandro Stefenelli, properly preserved today, remembers his creator and his work of evangelization, education and agriculture. You can visit the old Chapel and the Historical Museum where lie the first tools were used to till the land and an interesting collection of photos that testify to events that shaped the history of the modern city, like the flood of 1899 or the construction of different irrigation systems.

The school currently operates only to the primary level, although for many years was mid-level students and pupils. To visit the college must call at (02941) 440 014. Located on National Road No. 22 and Carlos Pellegrini street.

Packinghouse and refrigerator

At this stage of the circuit tourists can appreciate the treatment of the fruit when it enters the packing plant and further accommodation in the freezers. Upon entering the house the fruit is washed, dried, polished and sorted by size and quality to its packaging and marketing in the domestic and foreign markets. The fruit is discarded goes to the blender or cider industry. The pear is harvested in January and the apple a month later.

Experimental Station INTA Alto Valle

Header of northpatagonian INTA is dedicated to agricultural research and extension on issues related to the production of pome fruit, vegetables and vines. You can tour the plots with the technicians of the institution. Call ahead to mobile (02941) 453501 / 2 / 3. The station is located on National Route No. 22 15 kilometers west from General Roca, in the town of Guerrico.

Alojamiento en General Roca

FotoHotel La Fundacion Emplazado en el complejo de la Ciudad de las Artes de Gral Roca ubicada en el norte de la Patagonia. Contamos con habitacionesver másTel: +54 298 442-9050General Roca

Viajes por la Patagonia


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