Andes > San Martín de los Andes

Villa Quila Quina See map

Total Distance: 28 km
Seasons: spring, summer and autumn

From San Martin de los Andes take National Route nº 234 to Chapelco (from the pier you access this section of the route or you can take boats to the village). Continue a few miles until you reach the deviation to the left to Villa Quila Quina.

confiteria-quila-quina   A Patagonian nibbles in Quila Quina.

The road itself is beautiful, flowing from old forests, all lands of the Mapuche community Curruhuinca. If done on a bicycle should be considered to be 10 km steep.

At the end of the road you arrive to the village, which has been populated by beautiful residential homes through successive subdivisions. Continue right until you reach the dock. The view of Lake Lacar from this lake access is markedly different to that observed from San Martín. From here you can see the Lacar as a long lake that is projected onto a valley. It is also noted the steep slope of the Abanico moutain.

Opposite the pier a tearoom offers an ideal place to relax with tables inside the building as a large deck overlooking the lake. They serve snacks of exotic trout, deer, wild boar and other local delicacies.


You can take short walks on the beach. On one side, after about 400 meters access to mineral water source, and in the other direction, along the lake are several homes up to the Grande river. Lacar's best beach is here.

With the car you can reach the Quila Quina camping that has all amenities, tea room and restaurant during the summer and there are grills on the banks of river.

In general, the village and its surrounding area offers beautiful scenery of great peace. That is, an ideal place for a picnic if you stay in the city or to rest for several days at the camp.

If you want to continue with the tour, Provincial Route No. 48 crosses into Chile through the border cross Hua Hum. This is the least height of the Andes and is open all year, in Chile must continue the journey via a ferry that crosses Lake Pirihueico.

Alojamiento en San Martín de los Andes

FotoDepartamento Casa Alta 8 La Casa Alta 8 se encuentra en San Martín de los Andes a 41 km de la terminal de micros de Junín de los Andes. Estever másTel: San Martín de los Andes

Viajes por la Patagonia


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