Andes > San Martín de los Andes

Arrayán Circuit See map

Duration: half a day
Distance: 5 kms
Enabled in summer, autumn, winter and spring

From the waterfront to the left if coming from downtown about 300 meters you reach a bifurcation. Access to the lookout on the road on the left that quickly begins to rise. After a few miles passed by the former hotel Sol de los Andes and then take a sharp curve, reaching a mile later at the lookout.

san-martinView of San Martín de los Andes from the lookout. Photo taken from album

Modern lookout with rails, handicapped ramp and illustrative information boards will give you a great view of the city like a dream postcard. The city down there, the dock and boats, Mount Bandurrias, and extending the Lake Lácar on its journey to the Pacific, surrounded by mountain ranges, bays and forests.

From there you can follow a few hundred meters down the road to continue to enjoy a new and spectacular panoramic views over a steep cliff that seems to cut across the lake.

The road ahead branch again, generating two options: the so-called "Arrayán Corto" right down to the kilometer No 8 of National Road 234 (taken from San Martin) or the "Arrayán Largo" which leads to the eleven kilometer of the route. Both lead us to the city center.

Alojamiento en San Martín de los Andes

FotoDepartamento Apartamentos céntricos Departamentos céntricos en San Martín ofrece jardín y alojamiento con wi fi gratis.  Sever másTel: San Martín de los Andes

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