Andes > San Martín de los Andes

Bandurrias and La Islita lookout points See map

Duration: half day
Length: 8.3 km

san-martinView of San Martín de los Andes to the lookout. Photo courtesy of Perez Pertino family.

You can go to the lookout by car or by 5 km of trekking. Starting from the pier located at the head of the lake, continue along the waterfront in the opposite direction to the National Route No. 234. Two blocks then take General Roca street.

In the next block you will cross the vehicular bridge over the Pocahullo creek. Turn left and take the path that appears after treatment plant sewage. After a few minutes you reach the Pocahullo creek mouth. Later, the trail branches off several times. Always take the right path. Finally intercepted the vehicle road then a crossroads leading to the lookout.

The lookout is on the top of a cliff of 800 meters height. From the top of it you have a panoramic view of the city, the Vega Maipú, Lake Lacar the hills Comandante Diaz, Curruhuinca, Abanico, Vizcacha, Sábana and Piedra de Trompul.

playa-san-martinIn the road to the lookout you can get to different beaches. Photo courtesy of Perez Pertino family.

If we return to the crossroads you can get to La Islita, on payment of a fee income, as you enter lands owned by the Mapuche community Curruhuinca. The walk ends on a nice white sand beach. Ideal site for camping.

You can reach the lookout and La Islita with vehicle. Must take the Provincial Route N º 48, road to border cross Hua Hum (to Chile) and a few miles, turn left on reserve indication.

Alojamiento en San Martín de los Andes

FotoDepartamento Depto Chapelco Depto Chapelco se encuentra en la mejor zona de San Martín de los Andes, cuenta con vistas al jardí y parkingver másTel: San Martín de los Andes

Viajes por la Patagonia


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