Andes > San Martín de los Andes

Spring and trekking in Lanin National Park See map

The practice of trekking also called hiking is one of the most rewarding activities in the spring. The months of sunshine and warmth in the mountains are ideal for long walks, but always taking a few precautions and precautions to ensure that the experience did not leave a bitter taste.

Not only you must wear clothing and proper equipment for mountain and this practice, but you have to take advice about the field and map the location chosen to not suffer any setbacks. Importantly, trekking is not the same as mountaineering, whose main objective is to reach a summit, as activities have very different characteristics.

Lanin National Park has many attractions, but one of the main ones are its forests. There are many trails that cross the forests that have been used for centuries by the people and in recent years by tourists.

Some trails in the Lanin National Park

The low difficulty and short walks (no more than four hours, round trip) are marked. Among the most representative are the tours to the waterfall El Saltillo Lake Las Corinas waterfall Chachín and Queñi hot springs.

They are generally well-maintained trails from routes and camping areas where you can leave your car. Although no special equipment is required, you should wear good shoes, to protect the ankles, and a small backpack.

For travelers with more pretensions are a variety of circuits that demand one or more days. The difficulty of these passages is variable. May include river crossings or mountain ranges, overnight in tents or shelters, etc. When you do not have sufficient knowledge and experience in the practice of trekking, you should hire a guide authorized by the National Park.

The most recognized of these paths is going from Puerto Arturo to Laguna Verde. Three days of walking trough lands where the mud may usually reach the ankles. You will reach close to Achen Ñiyeu volcano , then will continue skirting the river of lava and slag to Laguna Verde, located in a natural environment of particular beauty. 

Another similar path as the uneven terrain is joining the lakes Quillen and Ruca Choroy, north of the park. This tour is done in a day, so it is somewhat demanding. But both the pehuén forest and breathtaking views from the cord Rucachoroy justify the climb. 

Among the trekking circuits, the most emblematic is the one that goes from Lake Escondido to Pucara. All the way is trough abandoned roads and even past the old mill Ruca Ñire. A well-traveled trail also connects these points to coincide in some stretches of old forest roads and passing by the site where it operated a sawmill in the forest, which remains the steam which generate power for the hills.

The options are varied but the landscape is always the same: virgin forests, less traveled trails and a natural environment where man's impact is almost nil. 

It is very important to go to the rangers before starting any walk, so they can inform you about the status of the trails, which naturally changes from one year to another and, in some cases is required to register before you start. Comply with the instructions, camping, fire and leave the trash where it belongs, is the necessary contribution to our task for the forest and trails remain the same, before and after our passage. 

Special thanks to the authors of "Trails and Forests" for generously allowing us to use this material.

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Lisandro Santos, Gustavo Santos.
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