Andes > San Martín de los Andes

Mountain Bike: tips to keep in mind See map

Recommendations to ride a bike.

  • Wear a helmet and gloves to avoid blisters or other injuries (all equipment can be rented).
  • If you use sunglasses are recommended those manufactured in polycarbonate because they do not splinter in event accidents.
  • Include basic first aid in case of long journeys.
  • Do not over-grease the chain whether to cross rivers and streams.
  • Caution in busy roads. You must have security lights if you ride overnight.
  • Light fire in allowed places and turn them off with water when you retire.
  • You must have clothing to cope with changes in temperature, which are very common in the mountains.
  • If you go on circuits you should have tools to repair the bike in case of common problems. Remember that in certain parts of the mountain can not find aid. You can buy tools in the city such as patches and glue, or sets of keys and Chain cutters.
  • If you make long journeys and must carry a load, it should distribute a third in front and two thirds in the rear. Always place the heaviest on the bottom of the bag.

To go out on long bike trips it is worth visiting the doctor for a checkup. He will say what is more appropriate and how often to do the activity.

We must know the places in which we'll ride. Roads often hide certain hazards. It is therefore important to connect with someone who specializes in the mountain bike who knows which places are suitable for beginners in mountain biking, and also explain the secrets contained the activity.

Also it is important to ask what type of bike is most suitable for us.

Alojamiento en San Martín de los Andes

FotoCabaña Arco Iris Con la calidez y el confort que ofrecen sus tres estrellas más una esmerada atención de sus dueños,ver másTel: (02972) 42-8450San Martín de los Andes

Viajes por la Patagonia


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