Andes > San Martín de los Andes

Terrain Park Perimeter See map

The Snowboard Park Perimeter in Chapelco was renamed and became known as Terrain Park Perimeter. The name change is not a minor detail, because it indicates that this beautiful piece of snow mountain where they built some jumps and rails were for different levels, is no longer just the territory for snowboarders it became a sign of integration. It has become the place for lovers of adventure in the mountains for surfers and skiers. 

The park, located 1700 meters high, has a section at the base where many snowboarders leave their tables for free, discussed the possibilities of the Perimeter and talk in the afternoon, before going down to the city, how they were in mountain, what new things they did, what a leap it came out better. 

The Park has jumps and tests to be performed at three different levels: for intermediate, advanced and professional. It is compulsory for all children under 18 wear a helmet at the time to face some of the jumps and is for everyone, regardless of age, when addressing the rails. 

The number of good snowboarders and skiers teenagers and adults give movement to this perimeter but also all those who love adventure in the mountains come there to see and learn before trying it themselves. Even many instructors take their students here to have fun in a different way and secure in Chapelco, jumping on the snow with the Lanin volcano in the background giving a unique setting for the day.

Alojamiento en San Martín de los Andes

FotoDepartamento Departamentos Turismo Se encuentran a solo 2,6 km de la playa de San Martín. Ofrecen alojamiento con vistas al jardín, wi fi gratisver másTel: San Martín de los Andes

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