Andes > San Martín de los Andes

Lakes Huechulafquen and Paimún and the Lanín Volcano See map

With this tour you can see innumerable natural beauties, and allows fishing and mountain climbing.

From San Martin de los Andes, take the National Route No 234 (also known as Ruta Siete Lagos) north. About five kilometers after passing the town of Junín de los Andes, and before crossing the bridge over the Chimehuín river, opens to the left the Provincial Route No. 61 leading to the Lake Huechulafquen .

At about nine kilometers from the crossing is the CEAN (Centre of Applied Ecology of Neuquén), in which are carried out studies and rehabilitation of native and exotic fauna.

Returning to the Provincial Route No. 61 and 17 km later, you can see one of the Araucaria forests in the east of the mountains. A few meters later you will reach the source of the Chimehuín river, internationally renowned for trout fishing which is a paradise for lovers of fly fishing.

After crossing the bridge to access the Lanin National Park and 30 kilometers later we arrive at Puerto Canoa from which you can take excursions by catamaran on lakes Huechulafquen and Epulafquen.

3 km from there you reach the junction with Lake Paimún. Here stands the presence of the Lanin volcano, 3,776 meters high, with its glaciers of breathtaking beauty. Finally, 2 km later you reach the Piedra Mala Bay on Lake Paimún to enjoy a pleasant stay on the lake, take a hike to the waterfall El Saltillo or start an exciting walk eight kilometers to the ranger sectional.


Alojamiento en San Martín de los Andes

FotoDepartamento Duplex Lola Mora El Duplex Lola Mora ofrece alojamiento con wi fi gratis y TV de pantalla plana. Tiene acceso a patio con vista a la montaña,ver másTel: San Martín de los Andes

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