Andes > San Martín de los Andes

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The winter resort offers not only enjoy the snow on skis or snowboard. A series of activities specially designed to enjoy the mountain have led to increasingly popular.

Tours aboard the Siberian husky sled through forest trails, hiking with old racquets used by the pioneers of the region and rapid tours on snowmobiles, are some of the alternatives offered by the mountain every winter.

Places to rest

Antulauquen Cofee House: located at 1600 meters high in the stage called "intermediate." There, the skier will be able to make a stop on the way to lunch or a snack.

Graeff Refuge: Located at 1750 meters near the historic shelter used by the pioneers of Chapelco.

Pradera del Puma: is one of the favorite places along with mountain Mocho, because of its panoramic views of the Lani volcano.

El Rancho de Manolo: family restaurant named in homage to one of the pioneers of the hill.

Los Techos: One of the most prestigious venues of the hill which can be accessed with skis or 4x4 truck.

In these warm places can not only access to delicious food or beverage, but also comfortable sunbathing terraces, enjoy good music and watch the skiers glide down the snow slopes.


Every Friday of the season, Chapelco entertains visitors with the possibility of night skiing on the lighted slope 63, and then enjoy dinner at the café located at 1600 meters with a live show.

Each year provides a schedule of special events beginning with the Opening Season Chapelco Party then follow the Giant Slalom featuring the participation of important figures in international sport, the journalist career, the White Party, Memorial Competition "Quito Astete" the university race and the traditional Chapelco Tetrathlon.

Snow Scoot to Chapelco

Fun and easy to use, for the first time in South America, snow lovers can sample how to slip on a Snow Scoot in Chapelco. A mix of cycling, with some snowboarding and skiing, invented in France, but became known internationally in the Interski of Japan, the instructors meeting was held in 1995.

The novelty came to this mountain by the hand of the local snowboarders Federico Podetti and Maximiliano Cataldi, who brought to the city about 14 Snow Scoot that are located near the Ski School Chapelco. You can take classes in this new activity to hace fun in a different way.

Snowshoe walks through lenga forests

Lenga forests in Chapelco winter resort are located 19 km from the beautiful Andean city of San Martin de los Andes and start at the base of the ski resort and extend up to 1800 meters above sea level, leaving the heights of the mountain free of them.

Snowbarders and skiers love leaving the slope to move in deep snow among the trees. However, not everyone can do it. That is why the proposal of the snowshoe walks, has become an important alternative for the whole family can enjoy the magic of the forest in Chapelco.

Every day at various times at an altitude of 1600, down from the cable car just a few meters to the left is the cabin of the Huskies. There Ivan and Walter guides invite tourists to cross the mire in the lenga forest reaching an igloo of about four meters and two meters high, where they are invited to taste some hot drinks or liqueurs.

The silence of the forest, the trail of the hare in the snow, the scenery, in short, a proposal off slope walking for more than one hour highly recommended.

Alojamiento en San Martín de los Andes

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