Andes > San Martín de los Andes

Chapelco's Snowboard Park See map

The level of the Chapelco's Ski and Snowboard School was demonstrated throughout his 20 years. The nearly 100 professionals working in the institution offer individual or group lessons of nordic or alpine skiing and snowboarding. For the younger ones has created the Junior Academy and children ages 0 to 5 years can attend the Snow Garden run by professionals specialized in teaching techniques for children.

The winter resort also opened in 2002 a Mini Snowboard Park pursuing educational purposes, becoming an environment specially designed for surfers to do freestyle including jumping in different variants.

This educational park is a new tool for the School and arises from the need to provide a place for teens that after taking their first snowboard lessons want to start doing jumps through small piles of snow or make outstanding full curves in the mountain.

Now the school has this product located in the middle of the mountain, near the beginning of the quad chair. It can offer snowboard enthusiasts throughout the art and practice in this snow park featuring hills armed with steep curves specially designed plastic rails and fun box ideal for your first jump in a controlled space and adjacent instructors trained for this purpose.

The fundamental concept is to share the spirit of the people who love the mountains, enjoy the outdoors, friends, adventure, fun, and above all safely, so that everyone can enjoy the snow depth in Chapelco.

Alojamiento en San Martín de los Andes

FotoDepartamento Tranquera´s House Ofrece alojamiento con vistas al jardín, wi fi gratis y estacionamiento privado gratuito. ver másTel: San Martín de los Andes

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